Saturday, February 2, 2008

Great Leap Forward

The Great Leap Forward happened after our stomachs crawled into our snail-like bodies which were slinking slimily on the floor with nothing to do. The stomachs were alien organisms, and they were parasitic. When they crawled into our assholes or mouths they made us hungry. Before we had stomachs our assholes and mouths were interchangeable, they served us only as voices, operating on two different vocal chords, one in the base of our spine and the other in the throat. After the alien stomachs crawled into us we began to search out sustenance and fulfillment in the myriad expanse that was coming into fruition. Through our hungry eyes we perceived nutrients based on their colors and proceeded to taste everything. The final step of the Great Leap Forward happened when we ingested the mushroom of many colors. This mushroom was probably found growing on a meteorite. Once ingested, this became our mind. Before this occurred our brain was built of randomly firing synapses that aided in few useful purposes besides the most mundane forms of awareness, but it mostly just confused our sluggish bodies. The mushroom supplemented the chemicals in our brain and created passion. So now we have hunger, which causes us to wander the the world in search of satisfaction, and we have our minds, which allows us to explore the desires and satisfactions with fervent mutability.

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